How bad does China suffer under insomnia? Data shows 200 million people losing sleep at night.

According to CBNData’s “Big Data Report on National Sleep Consumption in 2018”, 56% of the people reported difficulties in sleeping. Constant dreaming during the night, shallow sleep during the night, and difficulty concentrating during the day are the most common symptoms of a bad night’s sleep. Out of the 170 million people born after 1990s, a third of them suffer from sleep deprivation. 68% said they don’t get nearly as much sleep as they need.

Studies also showed that women had worse sleeping quality than men. Factors such as hormonal changes and multiple stress factors from both work and family environment are the main reasons for such phenomenon. White collar workers are the demographic group that have the most issues with sleeping. Among this group, 53% experience drowsiness in the morning, 41% experience constant dreaming during the night. Chronic sleep deprivation also caused people to develop depression, anxiety, and the risk of suicide is over 40% higher than normal.

据CBNData《2018国民睡眠生活消费大数据报告》显示,有56%的人表示自己有睡眠问题,其中做梦多、持续浅眠、早上醒来头脑昏沉最为普遍。全国1亿7千多万90后中三分之一都有睡眠问题,68% 的人表示每天根本“睡不够”。 研究发现:女性认为自身睡眠质量差,其生理激素变化及面临职场、家庭的双重压力为主要原因。白领是睡眠问题最多的群体,白领人群中有早起乏力53%,53%的人表示睡眠浅,41%的人多梦。而长期睡眠不足的人患抑郁症、焦虑症、自杀等风险是普通人的1.4倍以上。



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