Why 90% of the people consider cellphones a MUST in baths?

In China, 90% of the people are used to taking their cellphones into the bathroom while taking showers or baths. Surprised? Are people really that addicted to their phones? The popular reasons for doing so are of course to listen to music or podcasts, to watch videos, or even take lessons! Apart from that 18.14% of the people said they bring their phones with them into the bathroom because they don’t want their phone “be checked” by their partner or whoever. 9.15% of the people are even still working on their phones in the bathroom! Just recently, the memes published by GQ Lab brought public attention to those workaholics that were even answering Wechat messages with one half-dried hand over the edge of the tub. In this virtual social networking world, the “secrets inside the phones” have also garnered much public interest and continues to be a topic of interest in the media.


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