When did Chinese calligraphy come into form?

The history of Chinese calligraphy is as long as the Chinese script has been in use. Since the invention of the script on the oracle bones, Chinese calligraphy has gone through stages of development, from the seal script to the official script, cursive script, regular script, and running script. The ten most profound calligraphers in Chinese history are Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing, Ouyang Xun, Zhang Xu, Mi Fu, Liu Gongquan, Su Shi, Zhao Mengfu, Zhong Yao, and Wen Zhengming. Calligraphy is a systematic form of aesthetic that encompasses all kinds of fonts, both ancient and modern that are visually pleasing. Chinese traditional characters are the doppelgängers of the simplified characters. Chinese characters change from oracle bone script and gold script to seal script, and then to official script and regular script. The general trend in history has been a transition from the traditional form to the simplfied form. The clerical script is the simplification of the seal script, the cursive script and the running script are the simplification of the clerical script, and the simplified script is the simplification of the regular script.

中国书法的历史和中国文字使用的历史一样悠久。自从甲骨文发明以来,中国书法的字体经历了由篆书到隶书、草书、楷书、行书的发展阶段。中国历史上造诣最深的十大书法家分别为:王羲之、颜真卿、欧阳询、张旭、米芾、柳公权、苏轼、赵孟頫、钟繇、文徵明。 书法是个美学系统,包涵古今中外一切有美感的字体。中国汉字繁体字是简化字的对称,汉字从甲骨文、金文变为篆书,再变为隶书、楷书,其总趋势就是从繁到简。隶书是篆书的简化,草书、行书又是隶书的简化,而简体字正是楷书的简化。

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